About Us
TITAN Cement Egypt (TCE) produces cement and concrete to provide our society with essential building materials that are durable, long lasting and match the needs of modern society.
Our products and services are used for a variety of purposes, from major infrastructure projects (roads, airports, hospitals, schools, etc.) to housing, commercial buildings and social projects.
Sustainability is an integral part of our business. We seek to make a positive difference to people, society and the environment, through our products and operations, and we collaborate with our stakeholders to address local and global challenges.
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Built on mutual trust, reliability, and shared values, our business is a place that enables people to develop, work together, create solutions and implement positive change.
As a result of our good governance and consideration for sustainability in our local agenda based on TITAN Group governance and inclusive strategy, we have a number of committees that ensure that sustainability considerations are safeguarded and incorporated in strategy planning and operational decisions, while addressing local priorities.
The management committee is chaired by the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) to execute TITAN Egypt strategic plan and activities. The committee consists of 5 directors with a diversity of high caliber expertise in different areas and is responsible for decision-making and for shaping the business model.
The Health and safety Committee is responsible to increase awareness and implement Health and Safety policy safeguarding that life, health and safety of the people both at workplace and beyond are seen as a top priority for all.
Our Health and Safety Policy as well as the Human Rights Policy characterize the health and safety of both employees and of the people working for our contractors as one of the fundamental human rights and we strive to achieve continuous improvement. For this reason, there is a dedicated Health and Safety Committee in each cement plant chaired by the Plant Manager and it is responsible to ensure that employees and contractors are treated with respect and in full compliance with legal requirements as well as the provisions of the TITAN Group Health & Safety Policy.
Moreover, A Health and Safety Steering Committee located in the Cairo Head Office is chaired by the CEO and engages the Senior Management team and the Health and Safety Department Manager, who are jointly responsible for the continuous monitoring and development of health and safety in TITAN Egypt.
The objective of our community activities is to provide strategic support that would result in significant impact and contribute to sustainable community development.
Since 2012, in line with our commitment, continuous improvement and engagement with our stakeholders, our community activities are directed by the feedback we receive through engaging with all stakeholders during meetings / events that are tackled in the following CSR committees: